Title | Period | Statistical processing | Comment |
15 min values | 15 min | Raw ECV | Only for precipitation |
Hourly values | hourly | Raw ECV | |
Mean | one value | Mean the full period. | |
Yearly min for the period | one value | Mean of yearly min | Not relevant for some ECVs, for instance precipitation |
Yearly max for the period | one value | Mean of yearly max | |
Yearly mean of hourly value | yearly | Yearly mean | |
Yearly min of hourly value | yearly | Yearly min | Not relevant for some ECVs, for instance precipitation |
Yearly max of hourly value |
yearly | Yearly maximum | |
Monthly mean of hourly precipitation |
monthly | Monthly mean | |
Monthly min of hourly precipitation |
monthly | Monthly min | Not relevant for some ECVs, for instance precipitation |
Monthly max of hourly precipitation |
monthly | Monthly max | |
Seasonal variation mean | 1 value per month | Mean of the monthly mean for the five years | |
Seasonal variation min | 1 value per month | Mean of the monthly min for the five years | Not relevant for some ECVs, for instance precipitation |
Seasonal variation max | 1 value per month | Mean of the monthly max for the five years |