Meta data for hydrological ECV:s

Downscaling models for hydrology:

The downscaling of hydrological information is based on the HYPE hydrological model. For Stockholm the model is based on the Swedish model S-HYPE, for Bologna and Amsterdam the model is based on E-HYPE.

For details about the setup please see:

Essential Climate variables (ECVs) from HYPE:

 ECV  Unit  Hype output variable
Local runoff mm/h  crun
Surface runoff mm/h  cros
Evapotranspiration mm/h  evap
River discharge m3/s  cout
Soil moisture mm  smfp
Snow water equivalent mm  snow

Data production:

  Stockholm Bologna Rotterdam
Forcing data: Output from Harmonie, transformed to PTHBV grid Output from Harmonie run transformed to same grid as output data Output from Harmonie run transformed to same grid as output data
Forcing variables Precipitation and temperature Precipitation and temperature Precipitation and temperature
Output data:      
Domain Subset of S-HYPE over Stockholm  Based on E-HYPE subbasins approx 110×110 km Based on E-HYPE subbasins approx 110×110 km
Spatial resolution S-HYPE subbasin will be transformed to NetCDF 1×1 km2 1×1 km2
Temporal resolution hourly hourly hourly
Period: 2006, 2007, 2012, 2013, 2014 2006, 2007, 2012, 2013, 2014 2006, 2007, 2012, 2013, 2014
Projection: SWEREF-99 1800 UTM zone 32 Oblique stereographic
Output format:  NetCDF NetCDF NetCDF