Snow cover indicators

Sector Non-specific, transport, infrastructure, energy
Description Snow cover
End User E.g. road authorities and persons working with building construction
Calculation method ID Title Period Statistical processing Unit Threshold Comment
ndayswithsnow Number of days (per year) with a snow cover > 1 cm yearly Calculating number of days per year meeting the criterion, averaging days  1 cm Not available yet
maxsnowcover Mean annual maximum snow cover depth yearly Finding each annual maximum, averaging cm   Not available yet
Provenance Snow cover is computed by the HYPE hydrological model.
Calculation caveats

Spatial representation: S2
Other caveats:
Could be compared to: 
Could be used with: 

Motivation Presence of snow has large consequences for many parts of society, the most direct maybe being maintenance of roads, runways etc. It is also a fundamental component of the hydrological cycle and affects runoff, river discharge, ground water formation etc.
Experience user  Of use for many additional applications 