Daily air temperature

Sector Non-specific, most
Description describe daily maximum, minimum, average, and yearly range (max-min) of outdoor 2 m air temperatures
End User describe daily maximum, minimum, average, and yearly range (max-min) of outdoor 2 m air temperatures
End user Urban planners, health authorities, building engineers, landscape and building architects, general public
Calculation method ID Title Period Statistical processing Unit Threshold Comment
airtempmaxdaily Daily max air temperature
at 2 m above ground
daily Max of 24 hours °C    
airtempmindaily Daily min air temperature
at 2 m above ground
daily Min of 24 hours °C    
airtempavgdaily Daily mean air temperature
at 2 m above ground
daily Average of 24 hours °C    
airtemprangedaily Yearly maximum of daily
temperature range at 2 m
above ground
yearly Max(airtempmaxdaily, airtempmindaily) °C    
Provenance Air temperature is an essential climate variable (ECV) computed by the HARMONIE meteorological model.Details about computations for different domains and time periods are given
Validation The simulations made by HARMONIE-AROME in Urban SIS has been validated against observations in Urban SIS deliverable 5.1, where an overview is given in Table 4.  
Calculation caveats Spatial representation: S1
Could be compared to: C1
Could be used with: U1, U2
Motivation Air temperature is a base indicator for many applications including heat stress, energy use, planning, architectural
design, etc. This can be used to calculate other indicators such as heating (cooling) degree days, tropical nights, and
thermal comfort indices.
Experience user These variables are of use for many additional applications.